Hello, Internet

So, I’ve always thought about blogging – I’ve already created a few, actually, which were horrible mistakes. You should never create a website at the age of twelve. Never. -, but I never really got around to doing so. Until now, of course.

A few days ago, I had asked a family member of mine – who is quite the famous blogger – if she had any tips as to where I should begin creating my blog. It was either this (wordpress.com), or blogspot, but the latter didn’t really work for me for some reason so I had resorted to using this lovely little website. With a subdomain. Because I’m broke.

So, on this little… blog that I have, I shall write whatever comes to mind. And maybe a few recipes, if you’re lucky. I am quite the baker-slash-chef. My second home is the kitchen. Water is always in first place.

So grab a chair and take a seat, will you, because it’s going to be one hell of a ride.


3 thoughts on “Hello, Internet

  1. Hahah I also created a few blogs through the years around twelve πŸ˜‚ I learnt that mistake the hard way as well. Excited to see how your blog develops πŸ™‚

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